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Is This the Sweet Spot in the CRE Market?

Is This the Sweet Spot in the CRE Market?

How worried do you need to be about your investments in the market? Is it a bad time to be invested in CRE? In this article, we\’ll look at current economic conditions, their impacts, and why this might be the right time to purchase commercial real estate. Have we reached a sweet spot in the CRE market? Keep reading to find out.

Five Reasons to Use a Commercial Loan Broker

Five Reasons to Use a Commercial Loan Broker

You can think of loan brokers as informed personal shoppers for your business\’s financial needs. So, instead of an entire warehouse full of options, you\’ll see the choices that fit you, and with our firm, you’ll get an explanation as to why other options aren’t the right fit. All you need to do is tell our brokers a bit about your business.

Funding Sources for Small Businesses

Funding Sources for Small Businesses

The old adage is true: it takes money to make money. Starting a small business is often about growing a dream into a reality. So where do you get the money to get the dream off the ground?

The Challenges of Traditional Banking

The Challenges of Traditional Banking

Rules of exchange have been available since the first peoples began to ascribe value to things and to barter and trade, so it’s no surprise that the financial services industry is steeped in tradition. But today, the world is changing exponentially and it's not always...