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How Financial Ratios and Benchmarking Help Businesses Thrive
You’ll never know where you stand and how far you’ve come if you don’t start measuring what’s going on in your business. To help, here are some ways to look at benchmarking, where to access quality benchmarks, what to do with them, and how to use benchmarking in financing and growing your business.
Financing Tools for Cash Flow Management
It’s often said that “if cash is king, cash flow is queen.” That concept is based on the idea that really, the queen that makes things happen. When it comes to business success, cash flow does win over a lump sum of capital.
Building Your Capital Stack
When you\’re looking to aggressively expand a real estate portfolio, developing a well-structured capital stack can position you for success. The capital stack is the financial structure for your commercial real estate deal. It contains all of the investments used to make the deal happen, including both the debt and equity. Let’s take a look at the overall makeup and goals of a capital stack.
Finding CRE Deals in a Post-Reopen Market
How can a CRE loan broker help you find the best investments in a challenging economy? Read on to find six solid reasons to find a loan broker who will help with your next buy.